So today would've been day 32, but I didn't even make it to day 30. I did make it to day 26, and for me that's pretty good. That is almost 30 days of committed meal planning and experimenting that I wouldn't have done if I didn't think I needed it. I will post a few pictures of some meals I added to my diet since the last blog, if you haven't read it then go ahead and read that here.
This journey I went on was truly to cleanse out my body and to see if I can lose some weight and I was successful. I was able to get back down to the weight I was when I first moved back to Oregon, and I gained a clean gut. "Gut" is a term nutritionists use to discuss what's going on in your stomach. We always think that what we eat eventually comes out sooner or later when in reality, that's a lie. A lot of what we ate last month could still be in our stomachs and this can cause all kinds of issues. So please do your research on what you eat and why you should or shouldn't be digesting it.
Alright, so let's get to business. Why didn't I go through to day 30?
Simple answer- I didn't think another 4 days would've made a huge difference in the way I felt or in my weight loss. The truth is, I was feeling horrible the last few days. My energy was at an all time low and I was very moody. This reaction is almost backwards from the average person who, would feel this way in the beginning of a diet change not toward the end. For this reason, I had to quit.
What I ate on day 26 (4 days away from the finish line!)
So let me just inform you, even though I quit the journey it totally helped me to figure out what foods I am intolerant to. I noticed right away after eating and drinking this that dairy is not my friend. I became stuffy almost instantly. if you aren't familiar with diagnosing food allergies; do you get a runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy mouth or sneeze right after eating something? Your probably allergic to it or something on it. Just something to look into.
I have included some non-Whole30 compliant ingredients back into my diet like flour, some sugar and more potatoes but I am definitely sticking to a strict eating lifestyle. Here are a few different meals I had after breaking my Whole30 regimen.
If you go to my Pinterest you can see all of the meals I've prepared or eaten on my journey, that is continuing still. I truly encourage everyone to do this challenge AT LEAST once a year. This challenge resets your body and helps you to really be conscience of what you are actually eating. Also, helps you to get more creative and out of that rut of the same 3 meals each day. Again, do your research, find out what works best for you and stick with whatever you decide to do. I am here for you and hope for the best in your journey.
Share with me some of your food journeys or health journeys, I'd love to read about them and know your struggles too.
I appreciate all of your support and don't forget to check out my Pinterest for more pictures and meal ideas.
Want more nutritional information about food and you, check out my Aunts blog and Facebook page (she's a nutritionist) here: