So today we woke up and did our regular morning routine as always, but something was different we just didn't know it yet. About an hour after we woke, my mother came in our room and told us one of her co workers passed away. Now I didn't know her personally but I knew that she worked for the same company I once worked for and also that my mom knew her pretty well, so this was a shock to me. For the sake of privacy I'm not going to use her name or give much detail about what happened but wanted to share how it's affected me, and I'm just a by-stander.
So she was only 26 years young and for me I guess it affected me more than I thought because I'm only going to be 31 this year and that's not far from her age. I know that last year she got pretty ill and I was around to hear about how bad it got and actually saw her after she was a little better but still wasn't 100% well. Throughout the year 2014 there have been a few incidents where she had to be rushed to the hospital and over time she was in a position where she wasn't even aloud to drive. I can't imagine being 26, single, no kids, working, and so sick that I can't even drive and sometimes have to stay home from work. I would want to do anything in my power to find out what was wrong and do whatever I can to get better. I thank God I know Him and have a personal relationship with Jesus, because even though going through what she did was probably hard, there would be some comfort in knowing that if I were to go at such a young age I would be going to the most peaceful place; Heaven. I don't know if she had that, I don't know if she had that comfort. I do know that her family was in another state and that her coworkers were like her family away from her own. I wish I would've known her better so maybe she would've been more intentional about seeing the Dr. or even just being truthful about what was really going on with her. I guess we will never know....
Why am I writing this if I didn't even know her, she wasn't my friend, she wasn't even a relative, so why? Well I went to the store tonight, it's only 8:30pm but for me that's late since I don't usually leave the house after 6pm. As I went to the store, I was watching people come in and out, go through the aisles, chat with their friends and go on about their business. No one knew that someone died today, or that it could have been their neighbor or that it was someone I knew, NO ONE KNEW. That's what really made me think about life and how short it really is. We don't realize that when we get in the car next to go to the store, that could be the last time or when we go to sleep tonight that could be it; it was for her. We just never know when it's our time and we never will.
God has control over our lives, and that's scary to a lot of people and that's the reason people don't follow Jesus or even claim to believe in Him because they want to control their own lives. For me, life is too complicated to not have the help of someone greater than me, and why not have it be the One who created life. I don't know who or what you believe in, but I believe in God, the One and Only savior of this world and I pray that at least one of you are touched by this and stop to think about your life today. Don't do it for me because I made you feel sad, or compassionate, but because you care about your life and you care about your family and friends and want to live a life to the fullest. We can all take that statement "live your life to the fullest" in so many ways, but for me it means to live it in a way pleasing to God. I'm alive for a reason and I pray I can fulfill that purpose until that day I am suppose to go and be with my heavenly Father, I hope you all do the same.
Jesus loves you all and so do I.. Thank you for reading.
"My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless. For if I keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die." Galatians 2:20-21
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